Dominion Mortgage Pro Tips

Choosing the mortgage term that’s right for you can be a challenging proposition for even the savviest of homebuyers, as terms typically range from six months up to 10 years.By understanding mortgage terms and what they mean in dollars and sense, you can save the most money and choose the term that is best suited…

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This is a question I’ve been asked numerous times over the past 8.5 years.   When I first entered the industry I used to answer this by informing clients a broker works for you and not the lender, better rates typically, and free to use.    Now in my mind that should be enough to convince a…

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Mortgages can be a confusing subject. Buying or selling a home is an emotional decision and can be very stressful. As a mortgage expert, I will take the confusion out of mortgages and make the process as smooth as possible. In Canada, there are two major categories that mortgages fall into, either closed or open.…

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In Canada, there are many benefits to owning your own home, here’s our list of the top five: 1. Tax breaks. The Canadian government offers a variety of tax breaks and credits for homeowners that you can take advantage of. 2. Gains Generally, in Canada, we’ve seen steady growth in land and home values year…

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We’ve got plenty of great finance tips on this site, but here’s five that you may not have thought of for your first home Start budgeting – To help get a handle on your expenses now, and perhaps weed out unnecessary expenses to help you reach your down payment or mortgage payment goals, you should build…

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Take a minute and think about what your dream home would be look like. Now, take into consideration your pre-approval amount. Let’s face it; very few people can afford their dream home as their first. Chances are you’ll have to make some sacrifices, but before you start your search it’s very important to consider the…

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It’s a simple fact, many homebuyers place offers on homes without knowing how much they will be approved for. Seems silly right? Finding your home before securing financing is a waste of time and money. By the time you do secure financing, you may find out that your home was out of your price range,…

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There are generally two ways to get a mortgage in Canada: from a bank, or from a licensed mortgage professional. A bank will simply offer you a mortgage from their collection of products that best fits your needs. On the other hand, a licensed mortgage professional will search Canada’s largest banks, credit unions, and trust…

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If you are looking for a new home, be sure you are pre-approved. With a mortgage pre-approval, a licensed mortgage professional can do a more complete verification prior to sending you shopping for a home, and with that done, the dollar figure you are going shopping with is actually what you can spend. The mortgage…

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Lenders like fiscally responsible clients. Not to mention, if you have sound financial history you’ll be eligible for better rates that could ultimately save you tons of money. To help improve your credit rating, here are some invaluable tips: a) Pay Down Outstanding Debt – To get a loan, you need to have credit but little…

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