Lenders like fiscally responsible clients. Not to mention, if you have sound financial history you’ll be eligible for better rates that could ultimately save you tons of money. To help improve your credit rating, here are some invaluable tips: a) Pay Down Outstanding Debt – To get a loan, you need to have credit but little…
Sometimes, depending on your situation, you may have to take some extraordinary steps to get the financing your need for your new home. If you suffer from bad credit, are new to Canada, self employed or are thinking of getting a fixer-upper – there’s a mortgage financing option for you. Business-for-Self (BFS) Financing: Several programs…
The main reason many renters feel they can’t afford to purchase a home has to do with saving for a down payment. But there are many solutions available today that can help first-time buyers with their down payments. Many lenders will allow for a gifted or borrowed down payment. And of those lenders that will…
Choosing the mortgage term that is right for you can be a challenging proposition for even the savviest of homebuyers. By understanding mortgage terms and what they mean in dollars and sense, you can save the most money and choose the term that is right for you. Interest Rate Terms The first consideration when comparing…
Choosing the mortgage term that is right for you can be a challenging proposition for even the savviest of homebuyers. By understanding mortgage terms and what they mean in dollars and sense, you can save the most money and choose the term that is right for you. The first consideration when comparing various mortgage terms…
If you are looking for a new home, be sure you are pre-approved. With a mortgage pre-approval, a licensed mortgage professional can do a more complete verification prior to sending you shopping for a home, and with that done, the dollar figure you are going shopping with is actually what you can spend. The mortgage…